Michelle (Vazquez) Marin, MSDA Class of 2001, is a Pediatric Emergency Medicine Attending Physician at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City. When asked about a typical day at work before the pandemic struck, Michelle noted that her focus is the same during COVID19 as in the days pre-COVID: “caring for sick children and young adults in the pediatric emergency department.”
In addition to the expertise she delivers in providing clinical care to her pediatric patients, Michelle also plays a significant role in maintaining the overall morale of the emergency department for the hospital. As part of the Physician Wellness Team, Michelle has been assisting in initiatives such as sending biweekly wellness tips for all emergency department staff, setting up mindfulness sessions for her division, and assisting with recreational Zoom activities for the physicians in the department.
When asked to share a bit about what she is experiencing and feeling in her role as a healthcare provider during these challenging times, Michelle’s focus went right to her colleagues on the front lines: “I am so proud and in awe of all the hard work, compassion and selflessness I am seeing all my colleagues exhibit during this very challenging time, for not only the patients but us as well.”
We are proud and in awe of you, Michelle, and are happy to hear that you and your colleagues are working hard to take care of each other, as well as your patients. Thank you!
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