Senior Capstone

The Directed Research Senior Capstone Course is designed as a culminating experience. Students can delve into an area of passion through individualized research, hands-on learning and mentorship. Comprehensive, year-long research topics typically build off of academic courses already completed.

Capstone Student: Sarah Taffet '18

"Capstone was one of the most important classes I took during my academic career at the Mount. It prepared me for college through both the expectations and course content, but also in learning to communicate and value others in an advisory capacity and role of mentorship. I am so grateful for the opportunity to have had Jessie Garcia '08, entrepreneur and CEO of Tozuda, as my mentor because she served as an incredible role model who provided me with a tangible example of a female self-starter and tireless worker. I am thankful for the connection that this mentorship opportunity has brought to me and am proud of the fact that we still keep in touch."

Alumnae Mentor: Jessie Garcia '10

"It was a really gratifying experience being a mentor in the Capstone Program. It was great to see Sarah take a deep dive into her topic, using both primary and secondary research strategies, which evolved into a well-executed project during our time working together. The skills she learned during the capstone project will be invaluable for any research topic she pursues in the future at Fordham."



Capstone Basics

Want to know more about the Senior Capstone? See the accordion drop-downs below to learn about the program. Hear more from the students about their experience by listening to the podcast "Uncapped" below. 


Uncapped Podcast

Uncapped is a podcast created and produced by the Journalism & Digital Media class.

After studying the impact of emerging media technologies on a changing journalistic landscape, the class developed this podcast focused on the Directed Research Senior Capstone course. The students delved into the people behind the Capstone projects: their topics, sources of inspiration, and alumnae mentors.